Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are you the pencil or the poem?

I love Keith Green and the heart he had for God. If you've never listened to anything he's done, do yourself a favor, and check out his Greatest Hits album. You will not be disappointed. This quote from Keith really struck me today:

”I only want to build God’s Kingdom and see it increase, not my own. If someone writes a great poem, no one praises the pencil they used, they praise the one who created the poem. Well, I’m just a pencil in the hands of the Lord. Don’t praise me, praise Him!”

Are you the pencil, or are you the poem?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Setlist (s)

This past Sunday was absolutely incredible. The Sunday morning service was life changing. God really lined up the set list for the pastor to drive it home with his message 'Transitional Storms'. It's pretty incredible because the pastor and I typically don't talk about what his message is going to be, nor do I typically tell him what we're playing, so this was all God. Further proves that He knows what He's doing :) . Here's what we played:

1. Salvation is Here (Hillsong)
2. Forever Reign (Hillsong)
3. Rain Down (Scott Lowder) ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okM33nPwEsQ )
4. Washed by the Water (Needtobreathe) we did a cool little transition from Rain Down into the chorus "Even when the rain falls...." .
5. Give Me Faith (Elevation Worship) - This song was absolutely anointed, and lined right up with the message from Mark 4: 35-41 . "Give me faith to trust what You say..."

I always tell our worship band to expect the unexpected, and Sunday night is one of the reasons why. Our pastor never got to the message for the night. God had other plans. Here was our set:

1. Psalm 18 (Let Hope Rise) (Scott Lowder)
2. Our God Saves (Paul Baloche)
3. From the Inside Out (Hillsong)
4. The Stand (Hillsong) - This is where God took over, and the congregation flooded the altar. Our pastor's series on Sunday night has been concentrated on the Holy Spirit. We've really been seeking God in the those services, and tonight God just poured the Spirit out on all of us. "I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all. I'll stand, my soul Lord to You surrendered. All I am is Yours."

Probably one of the best Sundays I have ever had at a church. They were absolutely anointed. I'm gonna have a terrible worship hangover today, but I know that God will get me through it!

How were your services this weekend?

Sunday Setlists at theworshipcommunity.com

Friday, April 1, 2011

Toys in Your Cereal Box

So, when I was a kid (yes here comes a walked-a-mile-in-the-snow story) we would pick out our breakfast cereal based on what type of cool toy was in it. We could have cared less what type of cereal surrounded the toy, we just wanted that sweet Garfield pencil topper or the Count Chocula playing cards.

Whatever happened to putting toys in cereal? It makes me a little sad that my kids won't have the joys of digging through an entire box just to get the toy at the bottom. When I think back now though, I realize that those toys really weren't that awesome...

So, where am I going with this? Well, just stay with me here, this could be painful for both of us. Picture God as the box of cereal, all of His goodness is packed in there, all of His grace is packed in there, all of His love (the toy). BUT, with that comes His justness, His punishment, and His correction (the actual cereal).

How often do we forget that we can't just dig in to the parts of God that we like, and worship those. Look at Proverbs 15:32  'Whoever heeds correction gains understanding' and Psalm 1:2 'But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night', we not only worship God for the good he puts in our lives, but also for correcting us, and punishing us for those things that we have done wrong.

Thank Him today for shaping you and guiding you by correcting you. How has He done this in your life lately? Do you struggle with accepting His correction?